KPI of European Collecting Societies


Nameiname of the collecting societyGEMA
Countryicountry of the seat of the collecting societyGermany
Streetistreet of the seat of the collecting societyBayreuther Straße 37
Postcodeipostcode of the seat of the collecting society10787
Cityicity of the seat of the collecting societyBerlin
Phoneiphone number for contact+49 30 21245-00
Webpageilink to the official website of the collecting society
Total Turnoveriincl. other turnover, e.g. from financial instruments or property sales2018: €
Royalty Turnoveridomestic and foreign turnover from collected licensing fees2018: €
Distribution Sumidomestic and foreign; incl. amount for social and cultural purposes (amount resulting from total turnover after deduction of operating costs)2018: 859.511.000 €
Distributed Royaltiesidomestic and foreign; actually allocated royalties, not necessarily paid; independent of minimum amounts to be paid out2018: 736.509.000 €
Paid Royaltiesidomestic and foreign; actually paid out to beneficiaries; may include outstanding payments from previous years; payable only if minimum amounts are reached
Number Of Employeesinumber of employees, if available full time equivalents2018: 849
Cost Rateitotal expenses of the collecting society divided by the total turnover of the collecting society2018: 15,67 %
Number of Right Ownersinumber of rights holders represented (both full members and clients without voting rights)2018: 73.914
Membership Costs for Authorsicosts of membership/ contractual relationship for an authorentry fee: 90 € (plus VAT, yields 107,10 €) annual fee: 50 €
Membership Costs for Publishersicosts of membership/ contractual relationship for a publisherentry fee: 180 € (plus VAT, yields 214,20 €) annual fee: 100 €
Link to latest annual reportilink to the latest annual report of the collecting society
Timestamp last changeitimestamp of the last change to the information provided19.09.2019