With the help of these web tools, statistics of European collecting societies (CCS) for music copyrights can be explored interactively and comparatively.
National economics of European CCS
The first statistics tool we provide displays national economic key figures of 40 European CCS.
The majority of business reports used for the data retrievement (approximately 84%) relate to the business year 2018, with the oldest report relating to 2016.
The key figures can be scaled ordinally and weighted/combined differently depending on the selection.
The following KPIs can be displayed, ranked and interrelated:
- Number of Right Owners
- Number Of Employees
- Cost Rate
- Total Turnover
- Royalty Turnover
- Distribution Sum
- Distributed Royalties
- Paid Royalties
International economics of European CCS
According to Directive 2014/26/EU, CCSs of the European Economic Area (EEA) are obliged to publish annual transparency reports.
These transparency reports allow for a deeper analysis of the CCS' financial data.
We provide a second statistical tool that allows insight into the international payment flows of 18 CCSs of the EEA in the year 2019.
The transactions displayed can be ranked according to various criteria.
These are, among others, the absolute sum of the amounts received/paid from/to other CCSs or the relative market shares of the same.
Furthermore, the amounts can be put in relation to each other, e.g. to the total turnover, which includes the national revenues.