CWR Validator v0.57 released
We have released a new version of our validator vor CWR files. Besides a multitude of bugs and minor improvements we have added the possibility to create and apply filter presets, to filter specific (known/not relevant/ignorable/annoying, I think you get the point) validation messages.
Furthermore we have added two factory presets (for SUISA and GEMA) to filter known validation messages of CWR files of those two societies. Since we have only limited access to CWR files of different societies, these factory presets are surely only a small excerpt of the various specifics and unique interpretations of the CWR specification you can find out there.
So to complete these factory presets, we need your help. If you know the 'common validation messages' for other societies or market participants, please send us example files or a list of the corresponding rules, so that we can derive new presets or update existing ones.