Journal article "Direct memberships in foreign copyright collecting societies as an entrepreneurial opportunity for music publishers" available
We have summarized essential findings of our research project SO/CLEAR in a scientific paper and are happy to announce its publication in a special issue of Springer's Journal of Cultural Economics.
The concise and succinct title is "Direct memberships in foreign copyright collecting societies as an entrepreneurial opportunity for music publishers – needs, challenges, opportunities and solutions". The content of the article covers
- results from our qualitative survey of publishers
- results from the process and data collection at CCS
- the presentation of the two use cases CWR-Validator and CCS Statistics Tool
analysing the option of direct memberships in foreign copyright collecting societies in various aspects from the perspective of music publishers.
Since it is Open Access it is available for free, thanks to the DEAL agreement. As of now it you can download it as PDF from our website or read it directly at Springer.
For the sake of completeness, the bibliographic details are as follows: Klingner, Stephan; Miller, Mihail; Becker, Michael; Schumacher, Frank (2021): Direct memberships in foreign copyright collecting societies as an entrepreneurial opportunity for music publishers – needs, challenges, opportunities and solutions. In: Journal of Cultural Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s10824-021-09412-9.